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It’s Unpredictable & Messy but it is full of God’s Blessings!

Nov 17, 2020
For this I find Joy
I’ll be honest… I’ve been struggling with all sorts of emotions – anger, sadness, jealousy, anxiety, fear, and the list goes on.

Nov 17, 2020
He is STILL Good
The other day I was having a harder day. Just thinking about a lot and really missing my girl. Some days grief just hits harder.

Nov 17, 2020
Letter to Emma at 2 months
Today you would have been two months old. You would probably be looking up at me with your big blue eyes and starting to smile.

Jun 25, 2020
Blessed is the One
Back in January JD and I were praying about what verse we should dedicate for 2020.

Jun 24, 2020
Hope for Hurting Hearts
JD and I started reading “Hope for Hurting Hearts” by Greg Laurie this week.

Jun 24, 2020
I Love You Lord My Strength
When I was in college and living at home, I wrote this on my chalkboard and hung it in my room. When we were decorating Emma’s room I hung

Jun 24, 2020
"My Thoughts Are Not Your Thoughts"
As I was getting up this morning the words “my thoughts are not your thoughts” kept repeating itself in my mind.
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