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8 Months in Heaven

mom and dad kissing stillborn baby

8 months without you tomorrow. How can it be 8 months? Some days it feels like 8 years and other days it feels like just yesterday. But it has been 8 months. 8 months since we held you. 8 months since we kissed you. 8 months since we got to touch your beautiful chubby cheeks, your perfect lips and your soft hands and feet. Today it hit me that this is the last month.. for next month we will have been without you for longer than we were able to be with you. The thought saddens me. How can someone here for such a short amount of time leave such a big impact? But you sure have. I wish you were here. I wish I could hold you again. I wish I could watch your daddy kiss you again just like this picture. I wish we were getting ready to celebrate your very first Christmas. I wish we could be taking you to church with us on Sundays. I wish I could be taking pictures with you next to your sweet little cousins. I wish I was being awakened by your cry at night instead of lying awake thinking about how I never got to hear it. I wish so many things. But I’m trying to choose to be thankful. Thankful that you are with Jesus. Thankful that you’re free from the pain and the sin of this world. Thankful that nothing and no one can harm you. Thankful that one day I will get to see you again and we can pick up right where we left off. Thankful for how you have impacted my life these last 8 months – no matter how painful they have been. I am so incredibly thankful for you. Happy 8 months in Heaven baby girl, Your mama loves you💜

“Jesus said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” ‭‭Mark‬ ‭10:14‬ ‭


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