Sloane was our miracle baby that was to come at a time of grief, as we found out we were pregnant three weeks after my husbands grandma passed away. We were so excited to welcome our third baby after such a devastating time in our families life. My pregnancy was going great and had a bunch of tests due being 35. On March 18th everything was going great in the morning and I was getting ready to wash some dishes before starting to work and our older kids were home on Spring Break, I was almost 31 weeks. I went to the bathroom and the moment I sat down I felt a gush, thinking it was my water breaking I looked and all I saw was red. We called my OB who told us to immediately call 911. As we waited for the ambulance my mind was going a million miles and just couldn’t figure out what had just happened. By the time I made it to the hospital and they tried three different methods to find a heartbeat and finally an ultrasound, they determined her heart was no longer beating and I was bleeding out. I was immediately rushed to the OR to under go an emergency C-section. I have been told I was screaming out in agony and they had to put me to sleep for the procedure. During the procedure they almost couldn’t stop the blood, thankfully they not only saved my life but also were able to not resort to a hysterectomy. I spent four days in the hospital due to having to have a blood transfusion. My sister, mom and dad helped our family plan our daughters funeral which was the absolute hardest thing we have ever had to do. Three weeks after loosing Sloane I got diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism, so I’m now in recovery from that as well. Our older two daughters are 3 and 7 and they are devastated not to have their sister home with us. It turns out I had a concealed placenta abruption and there is no way to know how long it had been detaching as I never once spotted until the gush of blood that morning.
