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Blessed is the One

Blessed is the One

“But Blessed is the one that trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree that is planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes, its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

Jeremiah 17:7-8

Back in January JD and I were praying about what verse we should dedicate for 2020. After praying about it and reading scripture the Lord put this verse on our heart, Jeremiah 17:7-8. We studied it and memorized it and shared it with a few others. We honestly had no idea why that was the verse we felt called to focus on this year. Now we know.

JD and I are in the middle of a drought. It’s only been a little over a month and it often feels like it may never end. I’ve never experienced this type of heartache and wouldn’t wish it upon anyone. But God is calling the both of us to trust in Him. To have confidence that He will show up even in the darkest of valleys. This is our time to bear fruit. To show others that life doesn’t always need to be good to follow Jesus. In fact, life won’t always be good… and for me it sure feels like it hasn’t been. But our God is still good. And he does show up. He showed up and kept me going in the doctors office when we heard the terrible words that will forever be engraved in my mind “We can’t find a heartbeat”. He showed up and gave me a supernatural strength when I delivered Emma.. I couldn’t have done that on my own knowing the outcome. He showed up and held my hand and my heart when Emma entered the world and we didn’t hear her cry. He showed up and gave us guidance when we had to decide where we wanted to bury our baby, a decision we were unprepared for. He showed up and made his presence known at our Emma’s funeral. It was so beautiful. He showed up and comforted us when we came back home empty handed. We needed him more than ever. He showed up and spoke to my heart when I entered Emma’s room for the first time without her. God does show up. And in this season of drought I’m going to bear fruit and praise the one who shows up and holds me together when nothing else could.

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