Today I walked into a doctors office by myself. It may seem like a simple task, but for me – walking back into a doctors office is gut wrenching. While I was sitting in a small white room alone waiting for my doctor, I kept being taken back to that day I sat in a room very similar and heard the worst, most shocking news of my life. A pain that has become very familiar washed over me as images of that day quickly sprang to my mind. I thought I was going to have a small meltdown right there in the middle of my appointment. But instead, I squeezed my eyes shut and I said a silent prayer. “Lord, please give me strength”. And He did. I was able to finish my appointment and get home to my husbands waiting embrace.
Small victories and small prayers. Sometimes you just need small ones. A simple “Lord, please help me”, “God, go before me”, “Lord, get me through this”. Small prayers that can make a big difference. And today mine was “Lord, give me strength”. So small, yet so needed.
Recently I’ve been wondering why God seems so quiet. Why nothing I ask for seems to be getting answered. But then a moment like today happens and I’m reminded that he hasn’t left. He is listening. He is still here. A small prayer but a huge reminder of His presence.
Small prayers. Small victories. HUGE God💜
*Disclaimer* I am not pregnant – this was just a routine checkup with my new doctor. Since I’m now considered “high risk” I have an awesome new doctor/staff whose patients are mostly high risk pregnancies