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He is STILL Good

He is still good

The other day I was having a harder day. Just thinking about a lot and really missing my girl. Some days grief just hits harder. I was asking God to help ease some of the pain. I then started looking at scripture and came across this verse and I learned something that I thought I would share.

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭147:3‬

When I read this I realized that normally I always only focus on the first part of this verse … that God heals. But I was missing a very important aspect of this passage.

“He binds up their wounds” – The definition of bind is to “wrap with bandages”

Picture that. The God of the universe tenderly wrapping your wounded heart with his Love.

That’s what he is doing to me in my grief. He is wrapping my broken heart with his love so that I can start to heal. Sometimes I feel it and sometimes I don’t. Its in those moments that I don’t I know I need to turn to Him.

But sometimes, every once in a while, I’ll start to feel glimmers of hope. Or small bursts of joy. Sometimes I’ll smile or I’ll laugh and I know that’s a gift from him. The gift of being bound by his love. A part of my healing.

It’s going to take a lot of time but I know that God will continue to heal my heart… after which a scar will take its place.

But Instead of waiting until I’m more healed to proclaim his Goodness and his love I’m going to proclaim it now… right here… in the middle of it. Because I believe that the God who wraps my wounds with his love is still good.. even in my grief. Even in my tears. Even in my pain. Even in my waiting.

I will always proclaim – He is still Good

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