JD and I started reading “Hope for Hurting Hearts” by Greg Laurie this week. His son, Jonathon, gave it to us when he heard about our Emma. In all honesty, our hearts are really hurting. The pain seems to press in during the day at unexpected times in expected ways. I’ve cried more tears than I thought was humanly possible and I’ve begged God more times than I can count to take me back to when I was pregnant with my Emma. I want to feel her kick inside of me again. I want to feel her tiny little hiccups. I want to go back to how I felt when I was so looking forward to meeting her and raising her. Without any fears. Without any worries. Without any sadness. My mind keeps going to what could’ve been. But through reading this book, staying in Gods word and lots of prayer, I am reminded that there is hope. My hope is in Jesus. And Jesus is with my girl. And although I will never fully understand how God felt when he gave his one and only son to die for me, I now feel like God has given me a small glimpse of what he was feeling when he lost his child. And that in itself makes me love, appreciate, and feel even more closer to Him than I ever have before. #myemmalee#emmasblessings