Lately I’ve really had birth stories on my heart. I’ve been thinking about my own birth story a lot but I’ve also just been thinking about all of us loss mamas as a whole.
Recently I was in a conversation with a group of women who had children and they were each talking about their own birth story. All of them were so proud. When I mentioned something that happened to me they all immediately got quiet and changed the subject. I was bummed. I knew they meant well and were trying to prevent causing me further pain. But why did it heart my heart rather than help it?
You see, I’m still really proud of my birth story. I love to talk about it. I’m proud of what my body did that day. I mean, I had a baby! An almost 9 pound beautiful baby girl! I labored like most women. I had an epidural. I was hooked up to multiple IVs. My water broke. And because of the many people praying I was able to deliver Emma without having to get a c-section (which was a miracle considering the stress I was under).
Us loss mamas gave birth too. It didn’t look like your traditional birth story. It was quieter. There were more tears of heartache than of pain. And it didn’t end with a baby crying. But it did end with a baby. And it did require a lot of hard work to deliver that baby - and for that we should be proud!
And so to the loss mom out there who is proud of her birth story - whether it was vaginal or c-section - I see you. I am so proud of you. You should be so proud of yourself.
And to those who know someone who has lost a child - It’s ok to ask questions. Worst case scenario we will kindly tell you we aren’t ready. But best case scenario your interest in us and our babies will bless our day more than you’ll ever know or understand💜