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I Love You Lord My Strength

chalk board memory verse

When I was in college and living at home, I wrote this on my chalkboard and hung it in my room. When we were decorating Emma’s room I hung this on the wall with the full intent of erasing this verse and putting up a new one. I never got to it.

It’s been about three and a half weeks since we lost Emma and since being home I had yet to enter into her room. The thought of it was just too painful. Today I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me that it was time. I grabbed my pen, Bible and journal and I opened the door. There were lots of tears. I miss my baby girl. But as the tears poured down my face, I looked up and there was the chalkboard with this verse written on it. And when I read it I felt a sense of hope stir within me. God is my strength. And I do still love him. I always will.

I can’t tell you much about these past three and a half weeks because they have been a blur and at times a living nightmare… but I can tell you that my God is still good. He always has been. And he is faithful. I’ve decided to keep Emma’s room just the way it is and to make it my prayer room for now. A place where I can call out to my Savior. Where I can sit and write to Him and to my Emma Lee. A place where I will close my eyes and picture in my head both Jesus and my daughter holding hands, watching and praying for me too💕


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