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Letter to Emma at 2 months

Emma's little hand

My Emma,

Today you would have been two months old. You would probably be looking up at me with your big blue eyes and starting to smile. I would probably be rocking you in your chair in your room smiling back telling you just how much I love you. I picture you trying to grasp my fingers with your little hand. I picture me giving you little kisses all over. I would be rocking you back and forth just looking at you and marveling at how God created you.

Instead, right now I’m sitting in your chair and my arms are empty. I can’t feel you or touch you. I can’t give you baby kisses all over. I can’t touch your soft little chubby cheeks and count your little fingers and toes. But today, through the tears, I’m still marveling at you and how God created you. I’m snuggling your hospital blanket and looking through photos that the hospital took of you just staring at you and how precious you are. You are so beautiful.

My Emma, your dad and I miss you. Living without you is so hard. Hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I think about you all day and I cry over you every night.

Today I might not get to hold you in my chair, but I’m going to picture Jesus rocking you in his. He is probably staring at you and telling you how much HE loves you. I picture you trying to grasp His fingers with your little hand and HIM giving you baby kisses all over. He is probably rocking you back and forth just marveling at how great a job HIS Father did in creating you💜

I can’t wait to hold you again one day baby girl. I long for that moment. Until then, just know how much I love you. I’ve loved you since the moment I knew you were created and I will love you all the days of my life into eternity.

Love, Mom

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