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"My Thoughts Are Not Your Thoughts"

bible verse

For my thoughts are not your thoughts," declares the Lord
Isaiah 55:8

As I was getting up this morning the words “my thoughts are not your thoughts” kept repeating itself in my mind. I actually had to search them online to figure out where the reference came from in the Bible…Which brought me to Isaiah 55. Only the Lord could have put these words on my heart. He is still speaking to me.

It’s been just over one week since the worst day of my life. But my father in heaven is still making himself known and I can feel him near me. I can’t lie and say it always feels that way. It hasn’t. I’ve never known a pain like this before. I miss my baby. I wish I could hold her again and it kills me that I can’t. Words can’t describe the deep hole in my heart and the constant ache I feel from knowing I will never get to hold her and kiss her again. But how comforting it is that my baby went from the comfort of my womb straight into the arms of my Savior. That’s the only thing getting me through these long days. Knowing that He is holding my girl even when I can’t. Oh how great of a Father I have. His ways and his thoughts are so much bigger and better than mine. He has a plan. I don’t see it yet. But I know he will reveal it to me. And until then He will continue to put verses like these on my heart so that I know he is near me. And for today, in this moment, I can find comfort knowing that my sweet Emma Lee is being held in the arms of her Creator.


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