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Shana's Story

beautiful baby girl born into Heaven

I had a very straightforward, uncomplicated pregnancy with my baby girl Kalani. Everything was perfect! I was 40+3 when I went to the hospital to be induced due to minimal reduced movements but it was enough to worry me. I waited for 3 days at the hospital with monitoring for my induction, being told “we’re understaffed” and “women in active labor are a priority”. I went into early labor naturally on January 25th. I was given sleeping pills and pain relief and was told I would still not be induced until they were free. I ended up being induced 3 days later! I was so excited to finally meet baby girl! I was now 40+6!

All was well in labor. It was quiet and quick. My water broke at 10pm.. but at 2am, my baby girls heart rate dropped to 40bpm. I had the epidural and couldn’t feel any contractions but I remember the midwives expressing concerns as I was having 7 in a 10 minute window! The whole night was a blur but after an emergency C Section and General anesthetic I woke up asking for my baby only for my partner to tell me she didn’t make it. She was fine just an hour beforehand!

My heart is still so so broken. The hospital has regrets. Why did they not take action as soon as her heart rate dropped? Why did they wait so long to do the emergency C Section? Why didn’t they induce me 3 days prior?! My baby girl should still be here 💔.

Trust your instincts mamas. Be pushy. Fight for your little ones.

I did all I could but I wish I had done more. I should have demanded. I shouldn’t have gotten the epidural. Maybe then I would have been able to tell them sooner I was having more contractions than normal.. Maybe I should have not got the induction and let baby girl come naturally.

I miss my Kalani girl so so much, she was taken from me in a place she was meant to be safe. Our Baby girl was born with a heartbeat but couldn’t come back to us🤍


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