After struggling years with PCOS I was able to get pregnant in October 2019 with my daughter Luna Rose. My whole pregnancy everything was perfect no complications. I was past due and I was set to get induced and the day I was supposed to get induced they turned me away the hospital saying they were busy and they would call me. Next morning still no call so I call my obyn and he had me go in, he did the membrane sweep to kickstart labor he said baby was ready and within 12 hours I would give birth. Everything was fine with Luna. I started getting contractions in the morning by the afternoon my contractions were 2 mins apart. I went to the same hospital and again they turned me away saying I was only dilated 3 1/2 and I had to be at 4 and there was 3 more girls ahead of me to be admitted first even with my contractions being so close together. They sent me home. By nighttime I called another hospital and they told me to go in. I got there they admitted right away since I was past due. The nighttime nurse was amazing and helpful. By 3 am I got my epidural and everything was going good. Then the day shift nurse came in that when things started going bad. She wasn’t checking me and my mom had to be constantly telling her to check me. I asked for another nurse but they said they were understaffed. When my water broke we called her and she was bothered and said I had peed myself mind u I had a catheter on and I wouldn’t have peed on myself. So bothered she checked me and sure enough I was dilated at 9 1/2. Instead of calling my doctor she said “you’re a first time mom you’re still not giving birth yet so wait” 30 mins passed by and I had the urge to push. My mom kept calling her and she didn’t come my mom ran out my room to grab a nurse in that moment the doctor on the floor came in. She looked at the monitor and her whole face changed. My baby’s heart beat was dropping fast. She put my legs up grabbed my legs and said push. Her facial expression will forever be engraved in my mind I saw the fear in her eyes. I delivered my daughter within 3 pushes in 5 mins. At the moment I didn’t realize how bad things were, until I saw my mothers face I knew something was wrong. When I looked back up my room was filled with nurses and doctors. They covered me so I couldn’t see my daughter until I heard them say there’s no heart beat and she’s not breathing. My whole world changed I remember screaming and yelling my daughters name I started praying, I started yelling at my mom to save her the rest is a blur it all happened so fast. I also saw the nurse that I blame for my daughters death she just stood there doing nothing unfazed. After 30 mins of trying to revive her they pronounced her dead. My mom pushed them out the way grabbed my daughter and put her on my chest I screamed her name I begged god to bring her back……. and nothing. I just held her crying, chocked and confused my whole world just got ripped out of my hands my life was over. My daughter lost her life due to a nurses negligence. My daughter was trying to come out and due to her trying to come she ripped the umbilical cord and bled out. My beautiful baby girl Luna Rose Casillas was born July 30 2020 at 11:03 am weighing 5LBS 14oz 21 inches long. Until this day I’m still fighting my daughters case with the hospital for negligence. But it’s been a battle I got pregnant last year 2021 but I miscarried at 10 weeks. I’m scared to get pregnant again the fear lingers in meit’ll happen again, but I pray to god I am able to be a mother again becoase that’s what I’ve longed for in so long. Her loss killed me I did everything to get pregnant, I did everything to protect her and her life got taken away due to a nurses negligence. I thank you if you share my daughters story it would mean a lot. Thank you for being amazing people and shedding light on loss and grief. May god bless you.