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Woman in Waiting

Woman in Waiting

I’ve been trying hard this last year to be open about my journey through grief and all that I’ve learned (and am still learning) about myself and my faith but these last couple weeks I’ve taken time to reset and rest which is something I very much needed.

I’m still processing a lot. Still working through different emotions. I’m still very much missing my baby girl. That will never change.

But I’m also now in a season where I am trying to process waiting. And waiting is HARD.

I was more than ready to be a mom. I was 40 weeks pregnant. I had the hospital bags packed. The diaper bag filled. The crib set up. The baby clothes washed and folded. The car seat was in the car. I was so ready. To be over a year out from Emma’s death and still have no child on the way has been incredibly challenging and painful. A mountain I never thought I would have to face - especially since I was blessed to get pregnant with Emma so quick.

But it’s in the waiting that I’m learning that God is still in the business of moving mountains. It’s in the waiting where God has shown me that He is all that I need. It’s in the waiting that He is still reminding me of His love and faithfulness.

I’m not sure when we will finally be able to bring a child home. I’m praying and hoping that it’s very soon. But I’m also praying that God will use this season of waiting to grow my faith and to prepare me for motherhood here on earth. His timing is always better than my own.

To the woman who is waiting - I see you. I’m praying for you. God loves you💜

“Be Joyful in Hope, Patient in Affliction, Faithful in Prayer.” Romans 12:12

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