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When All Hope Seems Lost

5 Bible Verses about Hope

It’s so easy to lose Hope. I know I’ve struggled with it – especially this last year.

Every year JD and I pick out a verse to pray over ourselves and our household. This year we picked Romans 12:12 which says “Be Joyful in Hope, Patient in Affliction, Faithful in Prayer”.

“Be Joyful in Hope” – oftentimes that can feel impossible.

But my Hope doesn’t come from me. It’s doesn’t come from my own feelings or my own will. My Hope comes from Jesus.

And so I’ve come to realize that on those days when all Hope seems lost, that’s when I need to go to Him in prayer. I need to ask Him not just for Hope – but a Hope so strong that it stirs a Joy in me that can only come from Him.

And so today I want to share 5 more verses below on Hope that I’ve found to be encouraging in this season.

I also want to speak this next verse over you. When you read it let it sink into your mind and find its way into your heart. Pray it over yourself. He hears you. He loves you.

“May the God of Hope fill you with all the Joy and Peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with Hope by the Power of The Holy Spirit” Romans 15:13

5 Bible Verses about Hope

5 Bible Verses about Hope

5 Bible Verses about Hope

5 Bible Verses about Hope

5 Bible Verses about Hope

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