It’s taken me some time to come to terms with this. And honestly, some days I still struggle.
Why me? Why did my child have to die? I see children being born all the time… why was it mine that was taken from me? Why can’t my family be complete? What is the purpose of having to walk through this pain? Is there even a purpose at all?
Why? Why? Why?
I know some people mean well but their have been many times when I have heard the wrong answers to these questions.
“God needed another Angel” “Everything happens for a reason” “God probably needed her more” “Maybe God is using this to teach you or someone else something” “God always knows what’s best” And so many more…
It was actually my own mother that was the first to comfort me with an answer…. And her answer was that maybe their was no answer to these questions at all. Maybe I will never know why this happened to me while I live my days here on earth. But maybe when I get to heaven it’ll all suddenly make sense. Maybe then all my “why’s” will be answered.
Sometimes God’s heavenly logic makes no earthly sense.
It’s taken me time to come to terms with this but I think she is right. Actually, I know she is right. I don’t think I will ever have those questions answered here. But I know that when I get to Heaven and meet Emma there all the pieces will finally come together. That’s when I’ll truly understand God’s purpose of having to walk through this drastic loss in my life.
I know a lot of you are struggling with these same questions. I see it here online all the time. And a lot of different people are giving you those same generic answers that they think will make you feel better… But in actuality, it’s not helping at all.
I want you to know that it’s ok to ask these questions. It’s ok to ask God why. But it’s also good to be prepared to not get an answer. Because sometimes God’s heavenly logic makes no earthly sense. Sometimes Heaven is the only place where these questions will be answered. And sometimes it takes meeting Jesus face-to-face to truly know “why”.
Praying for you all always 🤍🤍🤍